She cheated him, broke his trust, still roams around him happily without realization, and without any shame.
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I’ve come to realize that no matter how hard a cheater tries to keep her/his affairs contained. The whole world eventually knows about it. No matter how much effort they put in; the truth always reveal itself.

Some people, due to their position in society, their beliefs about gender roles, and their cultural upbringing, believe that it is their right to cheat on their partners.

A cheating mate who has an emotional connection with another person ordinarily leaves their partner feeling betrayed when their emotional relationship is revealed.
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Your cheating heart will make you weep / You’ll cry and cry and try to sleep / But sleep won’t come the whole night through / Your cheating heart will tell on you.

Cheating with younger woman makes them feel young again and makes them think they can have any young woman they want.

Infidelity is more common in relationships where people feel misunderstood, underappreciated and where fighting and bickering is common.
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