People change quotes

There are people who will never change and you have to accept that.

It’s hard to watch people change, but it’s even harder to remember who they used to be.
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People change for two main reasons: their minds have opened, or their hearts have been broken.

It’s unbelievable how fast people can change. One day, you mean everything to them. The next day, you don’t even exist anymore.

Some changes look negative on the surface, but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.
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Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.

It’s funny how you can know somebody for so long and they change right in front of you.

It’s unbelievable how far people can change, one day, you mean everything. The next day, you don’t exist anymore.
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Life doesn’t change but people do so learn to accept that not everybody is who you thought you knew.

I don’t think people change; electronics change, the things we have change, but the way we live doesn’t change.