How to Talk to Your Crush

How to Talk to Your Crush, love quotes images

Now talking to women for most guys it’s already tough as it is talking to that girl you like your crush that thing’s impossible but not anymore after today’s article you suave handsome guys will know how to talk to any of your crushes and decrease your chances of actually getting rejected. 

Step one the Preparation

Preparation first of all if you know you easily trip up especially in a conversation you want to go in there with a game plan something that you can rely on if the butterflies get the best of you and your head starts fogging another important key of preparation is how you look this means you’re going to wear your best outfit when you know you’re going to approach your crush that day and this is going to do two things for you one like I said it’s going to give you a great first impression when you first approach that female and two it’s going to give you an instant juice of confidence and you know what I mean we all have that one outfit that we just love wearing that when you throw it on you feel on top of the world wear that.

Step two the approach

step two this is the approach now this one takes your guts out of all the steps I’m going to give you this is the hardest one and the one that most guys can’t get past first you want to set up your mindset so an easy way that you can put things into perspective is to think most guys fear rejection obviously nobody likes getting rejected but you not even trying basically leaves you at a 0% chance of ever dating your crush or getting to know her so that just at the bat you try you’re already winning.                         

Step three keeping the conversation

if you’re shy or it’s you’re going to be your first time you really like this girl you want to approach her usually when you two are by themselves if you approach her with her friends it’s going to make it 10 times harder on you or you approaching with your friend it’s just going to make her feel uncomfortable on top of that getting her while she’s by herself also makes rejection way less awkward so you see her in the cafeteria just go up ask if you could sit next to her or maybe you see her at the party just go up to her ask her how she thinks the party’s doing and start the conversation.

Step Four confidence

like I said talking to women is all about confidence, if you can get that you’ve got the keys my man you want to know what adds even more confidence wearing a sweet v watch of course as you guys know v watch.  the great thing with the fist is that everything for aesthetic and mineral but it’s also affordable so any of us can actually buy into this you is not going to be spending an arm and a leg on this stuff and it looks good. I said when you’re approaching women you want to make sure you’re on your a-game wearing that watch that makes you look good those sunglasses that make you look handsome or that sweet backpack that adds to your style are all going to add to that overall image and make sure that that first impression is a memorable one that she’s always going to remember this also increases your chances of not getting rejected.

Step Five what do you say and not say

you’ve got through the hardest part but Now you’re here what do you say what do you not say to not make a fool of yourself so I’m going to give you a couple of pointers first keep things simple and light introduce yourself it doesn’t have to be something extravagant or some sexy pickup line something as simple as just saying hello or higher hey you’d be surprised at how far that’s going to get you especially if you throw in a smile a second thing especially to get the conversation going it start asking open-ended questions, for example, let’s take the school approach say you’re at school and you see a girl don’t go and ask your something like did you take Mrs. Amy’s 10 that’s a yes or no question and the conversation is death asking something more like what did you think of Miss Amy’s class or what did you think of that test again this is going to get her talking which will then give you leads to keep that conversation.

Step six Few things you want to avoid

start a conversation with your crush, How to Talk to Your Crush

Going and finally, just a few things you want to avoid never talk about your ex, don’t over compliment her just going to make her feel weird, don’t put her on a pedestal, don’t tell her she reminds you of your model.

You’re in the conversation is flowing but now you need to start analyzing the conversation look at her body language, what is it telling you is she liking it as much as you are or is she just weird it off trying to get you to step away if that’s the case just wrap it up say it was a pleasure talking to you and step out even before she rejects you that way you’ve got to talk to your crush and she didn’t even reject.

it on the other hand if the body language is right you see here that she’s liking you and the things are going we’re going to move on to the final step you see the positive feedback you got to get her number get the digit if you see her that she’s reciprocating and flirting back with you he’s gonna want to give you her phone number so all you have to do with that and I get it if you are a little bit shy or don’t know it fits just right leave on a positive note you feel like you’re on a high note leave and leave her wanting more than when you can do with the power of social media you could easily follow her on Instagram or on snapchat and you can start messaging her there. and that’s basically it guys you follow that fail-proof five-step system you can talk to any of your crushes and be confident you’re not going to make a fool out of yourself.

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