5 Cute things Girls do when Getting Ready

5 Cute things Girls do when Getting Ready

Hey guys what’s up, today’s I wanted to talk to you guys about some of the really cute things you guys do when you’re getting ready in the morning.  The reason that I thought of any of this is because for a guy for some reason when you guys do the tiniest little things there are little things that guys find either really attractive or really cute.

The first thing Girls do when getting ready in the morning

The first thing that I came up with the first thing that you guys usually do in the morning is put makeup on now girls when you guys put makeup on it’s a routine you guys do it every single day you know what you’re doing you know what order it goes in or a guy when we watch you do it it’s not about the actual makeup art it’s more of like the weird faces you make when you’re putting makeup on the concentration you have when you’re putting it on your face a certain way and like all the focus that it takes to like do straight lines on your eyebrows. I think that it’s just all of like the little pieces that make up you actually doing your makeup you are just putting so much time and effort into doing something like that. I don’t know what it is but for me having super nice teeth and nice breath is like a huge turn-on everybody’s different everybody has certain qualities that they look.

The second thing Girls do when getting ready

The next cute thing that you guys do in the morning is when you guys have just gotten out of the shower and your head is completely drenched and you guys haven’t tried it yet and it’s just like sticking to the side of your face and it’s just there and you just look like you’ve been walking in the rain for like five years and you just haven’t had anywhere to go to dry your head at all and it’s just super wet and soap. I think it’s just because we usually see your hair when it’s like completely done and made up and looks good and then we never really get to see it like when it’s just like stuck to your head  so that’s just another thing that I think is really cute when you guys are getting ready in the morning is seeing your head like that.

The Third thing Girls do when getting ready

The next thing which is I think every girl has that one specific spot or thing or bag or mirror or whatever it is in the morning that you guys use when you are doing your makeup your own little designated spot as to where you sit on the floor or did it at a desk or sit in front of a mirror something where you just do your makeup every single morning. I don’t know I think maybe it’s just like the organization of you having everything together and like laying it all out the way that you want it and then sitting on the floor or whatever to put your makeup on for some reason I find that cute.

The Fourth thing Girls do when getting ready

The next cute thing is baggy clothes now this might not be something that you do but it is something that you have the choice to put on so it is something that you kind of do but when you guys were baggy clothes to bed I think that’s the reason that it’s cute is that you guys look so comfy and like you just want to get squeezed by someone and I think that when we go to hug you or whatever and you’re wearing really baggy soft clothes there’s something that’s cute about that I don’t know what it is I’m just kind of speaking and telling you guys about what I think that’s another really cute thing that you guys do.

The Fifth thing Girls do when getting ready

Cute things Girls do when Getting Ready
The last thing which I don’t think gets talked about enough when it comes to cute things that girls do is when you guys have Bed Head when we see it wet it’s cute but also when you actually have a bed and it’s like you just got out of bed and you have to do your makeup and you haven’t done your hair yet. Sometimes like messy hair actually looks the best and I don’t know if that’s just like me as a guy speaking that’s another thing that I think guys find super cute.
Though those are the different things that I could think of that were kind of specific to you guys getting ready in the morning.

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